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Knee Pain Treatment

Knee Pain Treatment
  • Last Update: 08/08/2022

It is very rare to come across a person who has never had knee pain in their life. In one way or another, at some point in our lives, knee pain can put us in trouble. In fact, there are many problems, diseases that cause knee pain. In today's article, we will focus on the most common knee pain problems, meniscus and knee calcification, while we will also focus on treatment methods ranging from the simplest to the most complex techniques.

Let's just say that we will discuss the causes and treatments of chronic pain such as fibromyalgia, cancer, inflammatory rheumatism in another article.

What is Meniscus (Meniscopathy)?

It is a disorder that causes problems at young ages, usually in the more physically active period of our lives. There is wear and tear of the pads (meniscus) in our knee joint due to reasons such as falling, impact, sprain, and overload. Meniscus problem causes complaints such as pain in the knee, feeling of unsupportive knee, locking of the knee and swelling in the knee. This situation is easily understood with a knee examination, and a knee MRI provides guidance on the importance and details of the problem.

What is Knee Calcifications (Gonarthrosis)?

Our knees, which bear the weight of our body, wear out as we age, similar to the aging process in other organs. In essence, arthrosis (calcification) is a disease of old age. Pain occurs with the progressive wear and deformation of the cartilage structures on the inner-articular surfaces of the large bones that make up our knee joint. Sometimes the cartilage structures can be completely eroded and advanced problems such as bones rubbing against each other may occur. Especially after the age of 60, knee arthritis starts to become a part of our daily life.

However, nutrition, genetic factors, overload, smoking, obesity, stress and previous small operations on the knee may present these calcification symptoms at an earlier age.

When it comes to this subject, besides the pain, hearing a sound from the knee (especially when climbing stairs or going downhill), feeling as if the knee is not supporting you and swelling in the knee are among the common events. These complaints should be handled and evaluated separately. These complaints may occur separately or in the same knee of the same patient.

Diz kireçlenmeleri

Most people have suffered from knee pain at some point in their lives. One of the most common causes is osteoarthritis (arthrosis-calcification- in the knee). It is more common in older people. One of the causes of knee pain is extra weight, which causes repetitive strain on the knee joint, resulting in pain and stress. This process, which takes years, causes wear and tear in the knee joint. When we have pain in our knee, we usually prefer not to put a load on our knee and restrict its movements to avoid pain. However, immobility of the joint can lead to shortening of the muscles around the joint due to non-use. And as a result, a vicious circle can occur with the emergence of pain. The drugs we take to treat pain may no longer help. In other words, pain ceases to be a symptom of the problem in the knee and becomes progressively chronic. In this case, treatments other than drugs are required.

Diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis is made radiologically and by examination. The onset of calcification, the erosion of the joint surfaces, the onset of some problems under the kneecap, the softening of the cartilages in the joint, the beginning of melting, the development of bone deformations are always advanced stage findings. When the problem reaches advanced dimensions, the pain that occurs only when standing up becomes unbearable even at rest. So, when we sit or lie down, our knees start to hurt. It can cause enough deformation to even require knee replacement.

Arthrotic changes in the knee are considered in 4 stages, starting with the mildest radiologically. If you have reached the stage we call Grade 4, your doctor can now recommend you a prosthesis. Some new technology products improve the quality of life. They delay the need for knee replacement considerably.

Knee Calcification Symptoms

Pain: It can be aching, blunt or throbbing. Pain characteristically occurs when climbing or descending stairs and bending the knee.

Knee friction sound: It is the friction sound felt only by the patient.

Feeling that your knee is not supporting: This condition, caused by weakness of the patellofemo knee muscle, occurs during bending the knee (climbing stairs, going downhill).

Deadlock: A temporary condition that can occur when knee is strained.

Swelling: It is a temporary condition that is not very common on examination.


The first approach should be conservative. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) therapy helps reduce pain. Ice application is beneficial. Pain can be reduced by bandaging the knee. If pain does not decrease with these measures, patients may benefit from FTR. We follow a path like this in "Remitting Knee Pain" due to chronic calcifications:

A - Patient's Pain

If it only occurs by pressing on the knee and does not benefit from other treatment methods, we give OZONE into the knee joint for 3-5 sessions. It has exceptional physiological and beneficial effects on knee pain up to grade III. In addition, by giving ozone gas around the joint, especially to the upper muscles, patients get rid of their pain. We provide stretching exercises and some advice during the pain-free period.

B - As the patient;

If you have pain while resting, sitting and lying down,

If you have had prosthetic surgery and your pain has not gone away,

If the patient needs a knee replacement, but the patient does not want to have surgery,

If you are in a position that cannot be operated due to other age-related problems,

Then we apply the pulse radiofrequency method to the "safen" nerve, which carries most of the sensory perception of the knee. In some stubborn cases, intraarticular radiofrequency application has benefits in terms of pain relief. Radiofrequency application is a painless procedure. It takes 8 minutes. It does not harm the nerves or the inside of the joint. It only prevents the patient from feeling pain by disrupting the nerve conduction. If the patient wants to see FTR, he can do the exercises painlessly and contribute to the strengthening of the knee.

Ozone: It is active oxygen, has anti-inflammatory effects. It removes the substances that cause pain in the intra-articular fluid from the environment. By correcting the microcirculation, it stops the blood supply of the joint and the progression of destructive processes. Relieves neuropathic pain. It makes the joint painless. Patients who find it difficult to bend their knees are relieved.

Knee Cap Pain

Diz kapağı ağrıları


The small or flat bone located just in front of the knee is called the kneecap, also known as the patella. The task of this part is to transfer the force of the upper muscles to the lower part of the knee region and to bend it in movement. It is connected by tendons with the shin bone and the thigh bone. Articular cartilages are also present in the lower part.

Over time, the kneecap may shift towards the outside in position and kneecap pain occurs. In case of pain in this area, the pain in the kneecap and the tissues under it significantly reduces the quality of life. As the kneecap pain increases over time, the kneecap can no longer fulfill its task. In this case, there are serious dangers in the kneecap region.

If there is an excessive load on the kneecap, the tissue on the joint begins to erode and may disappear completely. In this case, conditions such as osteoarthritis, trauma, position shift, injury, tendon inflammation may occur in the bone. Apart from this, cases such as knee cap tumor and infection, adipose tissue can also be experienced. These conditions create complaints of knee cap pain.

Depending on the condition of the disease, the severity and form of pain may vary. For the complaints of kneecap pain, a definitive diagnosis should be made first and then treatment should be made according to the individual. Existing complaints for kneecap pain can be resolved with the problems seen after the doctor's control.

What Is Good For Knee Pain?

Knee pain is a very common condition and some applications can be made to eliminate the pain and there are different treatment techniques. If you are looking for herbal and natural solutions for knee pain, let's offer some suggestions;

If knee pain has occurred due to a trauma situation, a solution can be found with cold therapy. If cold is applied to the area several times during this process, the pain begins to ease in a short time.

Strengthening bones, muscles and joints is very important for knee pain. For this, okra seeds are recommended for pain due to fluid loss in the knees. Pain complaints are reduced in people who regularly use okra seeds as tea. However, okra seed should be continued by taking a break after certain use.

For those looking for a natural pain reliever, ginger and ginger oil are the best answers to the question of what is good for knee pain. It can be consumed as a fresh and powdered tea on the painful area along with ginger oil. In this way, the effect will appear in a short time.

Another natural remedy for knee pain would be turmeric and turmeric oil. In particular, it can be brewed as a tea as a natural pain reliever, and turmeric can be consumed by transferring it into different foods.

If you want to strengthen your bones, you can choose sycamore leaf as one of the most natural materials. Sycamore leaf will be very good for calcification and rheumatism.

For a Healthy Knee, We Should Make Exercises a Part of Our Lives

Eğzersiz yapın

Points to consider when doing knee exercises:

Stay strong: Strengthening the upper knee muscle is necessary to avoid stress on the knee joint

You can do the exercises in combination with walking and other activities.

Stay active.

If you have had a previous knee injury, protect yourself from risky movements.

Lose weight: As you age, the overloads caused by arthritis will cause the knee joint to deteriorate more easily.

Prefer comfortable shoes.

Find and apply the form of exercise and activation that suits you.

If you have had knee problems before, consult your doctor when a new event or pain occurs.

Be careful when adding new exercises to your life so that a new move does not damage your knee joint.

Rest: Sometimes rest is the best treatment. Do not forget to rest your knees after regular exercise and activities.

Drink trotter soup twice a week and eat homemade yogurt every day.

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