I was born in Izmit, I completed my education up to university in Izmit. I graduated from Erzurum Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine. I completed my anesthesia specialization at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine in Trabzon. I did 2 years of compulsory service in Ordu insurance hospital.
I founded the C.B.U. Faculty of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation in Manisa (1994). I became an associate professor in 1999. I got my professorship from Maltepe University Faculty of Medicine. In this university, I continued as the head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation and Algology Department.
I completed my Pain Science (Algology) education at Ege University Faculty of Medicine. Our Algology Specialization has been approved by the Ministry of Health. I received post-specialization training in Italy, Germany, Russia. In the meantime, I was appointed by the American CM as a training doctor in advanced practices related to lumbar neck hernia.
I established the Ozone Therapy Clinic at Maltepe University for the first time in Turkey. I was assigned to prepare the Ozone Treatment Regulation of our Ministry of Health. I am still a member of the GETAT Scientific Board of the Ministry of Health.
I founded the "Medical Ozone Therapy Association" in Turkey. As one of the founders of IMEOF (International Medical Ozone Federation), I was the Vice President. I served as the Vice President of the Asian-European Ozone Therapists association.
I am still operating in the Algology Center in Fulya, Şişli, Istanbul. I especially use interventional methods to treat chronic pain. We also apply regenerative cellular treatments and cellular detox treatments in chronic diseases. In addition, we prefer alternative pain treatment methods for low-intensity pain cases.